Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Super Foods - Cashewy Juice


Benefits of Drinking Cashewy

Research from Brazil confirmed that the Tikuna tribesman of Brazil drank Cashew Juice regularly to relieve allergies. This is because the juice contains many nutrients needed by the human body such as vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, beta carotene, limonene, protein, riboflavin and thiamine.

In Thailand Cashewy is known as the “Miraculous Drink” because of the many beneficial health affects.

Also known by the botanical name Anacardium occidentale, the cashew is a close relative of mangos, pistachios, poison ivy and poison oak. It was first introduced on a worldwide scale by Portuguese explorers in South America in the 16th century, but international trade didn't take off until the 1920s.

Sometimes called "nature's vitamin pill," cashew nuts, which now rank #1 among nut crops in the world with 4.1 billion pounds produced in 2002, have been used to promote wellness for centuries.

Cashewy is a natural product with papers released by the research centre of Kasikornthai Bank stating that when used to gargle, cashew juice can relieve a sore throat.

It's used to relieve vomiting and can be used as a diuretic, help enhance perspiration and cure chronic dysentery. These scientific results correspond with the beliefs of the people of Brazil and Thailand who have been drinking Cashewy Juice for thousands of years.

Special Price $19.00 AUD for 1 x 500ml bottle

For more details : engifts@enchanted-gifts.com.au

Website; http://www.enchanted-gifts.com.au/

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